Jill Hsieh's profile

Endangered and Solitary

Hawaiian Monk Seal
Hawaiian monk seals are considered as a "living fossil". They have been around for more than 13 million years, virtually unchanged. But their population has fallen more than 60% over the past 50 years. Unlike other seals who live in frigid water and in large groups, monk seals are tropical solitary creatures. They stay well away from other seals and humans, and some nursing mother can become greatly agitated when they are disturbed, so much so they may abandon their pups (Phew! I am not the only evil mother LOL)... which is perhaps one of the reasons why only 1 in 5 new pups reach their adulthood.
夏威夷僧海豹算是活化石,在過去 1300 萬年來生態幾乎沒有什麼變化,但是近 50 年來,數量卻銳減過半,目前被列為瀕臨絕種。跟其他大部分生長在冷水海域及群居生活的海豹不同,牠們生長在暖水海域,而且喜獨居;尤其是母海豹更不喜歡被打擾,有時候甚至會為了避免干擾而丟下小海豹不管呢 (所以不是只有我這個媽媽邪惡 LOL).... 或許是這樣小海豹的存活率才不高吧 (1/5)
Darwin's Fox
Darwin's Fox was native to Chile and discovered by Darwin during his voyage on the Beagle. Ironically, it is critically endangered in part because of the unleashed dogs in their habitat, which may attack them and transmit diseases.
Crowned Solitary Eagel 孤冕雕
As I started drawing endangered species weeks ago, I have come to find out that a lot of animal populations face drastic decline over the past 50 years. What caused this change? If you haven't already known, huamn population actually has doubled (from 3 billions to over 7 billion) over the past 50 years. When one species takes over the planet, unfortunately it doesn't leave much room for others...
從幾個禮拜前開始畫瀕臨絕種的動物以來,我漸漸發現,很多動物的數量在過去五十年以來劇減,是什麼造成這麼大的變化?你可能知道,人類的人口在過去五十年來從 30 億加倍超過 70 億。地球就這麼大,當其中一個物種壯大時,其他物種肯定遭到被淘汰的命運...
Endangered and Solitary

Endangered and Solitary

I am continuing my series on endangered species...
